Benefits of Homeschooling with YouTube: Parent Perks (Part 3)

In Part 1 of our three-part blog series on the “Benefits of Homeschooling with YouTube”, we talked about the virtues of a virtual community. We also listed ways to ensure your family uses the platform safely. In Part 2, we shared the benefits of the world of skill sharing. Today, in Part 3, we reveal the hidden gems YouTube has to offer for grown-ups, parents, teachers, and parent-teachers alike.

Gains For Grown-Ups

I know, parents. You are always last on the list. That is when you remember to put yourself on the list at ALL. I see you. Most days, I am you.

Ask A Question. None of us have all the answers. Whether your query is big or small, chances are pretty good that someone somewhere has asked the very same question that you would like to ask right now. And they have made content about it. How do I teach my child to tie his shoes? What is the best math curriculum? What is the best way to lesson plan for my homeschool year? (Thank you, Leslie Maddox, for that one!)

Camaraderie. Homeschooling (and well parenting in general) can feel quite isolating at times. While certainly no substitute for the amazing friendships I hold so dear in my life, I admit, that I have often found solace in watching other homeschool moms share their struggles. Not united in doom or gloom mind you, these brave women share their very “raw and real” moments in an effort to lift up, both themselves and others. It is in this spirit of kinship that I am reminded that I too am deserving of the grace I give freely to others but frequently deny myself.

Fill Up Your Cup. I start my day with the Lord. It centers me and soothes me. I start with prayer and then begin reading my Bible. Currently, I am reading through my Chronological Life Application Study Bible (NLT Version). Then I spend a little time on my favorite meditation app, Glorify. Sometimes I listen while walking our furry Teaching Assistant, Otis. Other times, I curl up with a cup of coffee and enjoy the quiet before IOH Kid J wakes and we begin our day with a family devotional.

The comfort of this routine usually starts our day off along the right path. Yet, there are times when we steer off course. Bumps or potholes detour us and we need to find our true north in the Lord again. I take comfort in knowing I can replay a favorite sermon from my church, listen to an inspiring message from a speaker, or participate in a devotional. My virtual faith community is a great source of comfort.

Get the Giggles. Nothing releases tension as quickly as a good old-fashioned belly laugh. In our house, when we feel the weight of the heavier days, we seek out humor. We love to laugh! Laughter is incredibly therapeutic.

Just Breathe. When life gets a little too hectic, I remind myself to slow down and just breathe with a video from one of my favorite Biblical Meditation channels, such as Beatrix von Watzdorf or PneumaBreath.

Learn How to Accommodate and Modify Curricula and/or Lessons. Are you the parent of a child with learning differences? Could you use a little help with suggestions on how to accommodate or modify lesson plans? YouTube to the rescue! One of our favorite channels for teaching tips is SPEDHomeschool. Peggy Ployar and her crew are committed to helping you home-educate your child with learning differences.

Time Out. Finally, let’s talk about our most valuable resource of ALL – our TIME. We can always rework our financial budget. We can always make more money. The one resource we are unable to make more of is our time. Life skills, music and art lessons, science experiments, history projects, and read-alouds aside, YouTube content affords this homeschool mama a minute to eat her lunch in peace, finish making dinner, or fold another load of laundry while someone else does the teaching.

I view YouTube as another tool in my toolbox. Just as not every problem is a nail, YouTube should not be your hammer. Use wisely.

Coming Up

Sometimes when you write, you find you have a bit more to say. Such is the case with our Benefits of Homeschooling with YouTube Series. Voila! A Bonus Post! Be sure to check back in with us next time when we reveal “Nine Reasons You Should Be Homeschooling with YouTube…and ONE Reason You Shouldn’t.”

Looking for more inspiration from folks supporting their communities or homeschool moms willing to impart a bit of advice? Check out our podcast series over at YouTube! The Salt and Light SERVE Spotlight highlights outreach, service, and volunteerism, while Shelf Indulgence Book Chats offers intimate conversations with fellow homeschool moms who also happen to be authors.

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