About Me

After ten years of working in psychiatric hospitals, juvenile justice, and public education, I fulfilled a professional dream and opened my own counseling practice.

In the third year of expanding my practice, my husband and I experienced two major life changes. First, we learned we were expecting our “only.” A long-awaited and joyous discovery!

Second, the day we learned we were having a son, we also learned we would be relocating to another state for my husband’s job. It was during this season of change when we made the joint decision for me to put my career on pause to be our son’s primary caregiver.

Officially, we have been homeschooling our son for the past five years. In reality, we have been his teachers, role models, sidekicks, and coaches since the day he was born.

About Our Homeschool

Above all, we are a family of faith. Our Christian faith guides every aspect of our lives.

In our homeschool, we have a motto:

“Education is a journey, not a destination.”

Mary Harris Jones
“Mother Jones”

Overall, we consider ourselves Eclectic Homeschoolers.

Primarily, we embrace the Classical Learning Style via a modified version of The Well Trained Mind. We add a healthy sprinkle of Charlotte Mason by preferring “living books” over traditional textbooks and working towards establishing positive habits. We utilize Project-Based Learning and Unit Studies for science. We also LOVE the memory work from Classical Conversations to support our history, science, math, and Latin studies!

When it comes to the dictation and narration exercises heavily favored in the above approaches, we make modifications and accommodations where needed because we can. As you get to know us a little better by scrolling through the pages of our website, you will learn more about the “whys” and “hows” in the modification of our teaching methods.

About It’s Only Homeschooling (IOH)

From a young age, I felt called to service. Before I was a mom, I was a helper. Nonprofit work, juvenile justice, public education, and professional counseling were all stepping stones God put in my path to prepare me for the call he would place on my heart. Truthfully, I had planned on returning to the field of counseling once our son reached “school age.” I had kept my professional license current in my former home state of Georgia and had earned a second license in my newly adopted home state of Texas.

But those were MY plans.

It turns out the Lord had other plans for me.

I promise to reveal more of my testimony and the details of our journey in the coming pages. For now, know this. Looking back, I see how over the years God guided our steps with every educational choice, every career move, and every decision made for us to become the homeschooling family we are today.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5

I started IOH as a “love letter” not only to my husband and son but also to my fellow parents, teachers, and professionals who share in the commitment to educating our children with learning differences. In the pages of our blog, through the voices of our podcast, and in the words of our digital content on YouTube and other social media, you will find resources, product reviews, tips for educating exceptional learners, activities, and so much more all wrapped in faith with a dash of humor.

Whatever YOUR story may be, it led you here to our site. We invite you to walk with us on our journey and become a part of the wonderfully diverse and supportive community of homeschooling.




This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only. 


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