Your Twice-Exceptional Homeschool Student Already Knows How To Succeed, But Are You Prepared to Help Them?

By now you are acquainted with the world of 2(e) learners, are well-versed in your home state’s rules and regulations governing homeschoolers, have learned to think “outside the box” when it comes to teaching, and have educated yourself on your child’s specific strengths, limitations, and needs.

Today, in Part 4 of our “Ten Tips for Homeschooling 2(e) Learners,” we want you to throw your plans (and your backup plans) out the window. Instead, we want to encourage you to be prepared.

Preparing The Gentle Feast

Did you know that your child already has everything they need to be a successful student?

It’s called, curiosity.

All you need to give them is a gentle feast of living ideas, topics, and subjects.

Preparing for this picnic is easy: Gather the provisions, set the table, and give them space.

Then trust the process.

It all sounds deliciously Charlotte Mason simple until the last part, doesn’t it?


A tiny word that incites BIG feelings.

How do you manage your anxiety long enough to throw out your carefully crafted plans (and backup plans) and trust the learning process?

Beating the Anxiety Bully

My friend podcaster, author, special education teacher, and overcomer, Melony Brown, has taught me a lot about mindset. In episode 17 of her ZigZag and 1 Podcast (now known as Challenges Won’t Stop Me), her guest, Dr Christi Bartolomucci shares,

“Anxiety is a bully. It’s sneaky. Sometimes when it’s lurking, it can sound like your own voice. The more you give into anxiety, the more it keeps showing up in your life.”

Dr. Christi Bartolomucci, Atlanta Innovative Counseling Center

The funny thing is, as a Licensed Professional Counselor in not one but two states who has over twenty years of experience treating anxiety disorders, I know this.

Well, my brain knows it. There are times when I need gentle reminders and encouragement from my homeschool village for this knowledge to reach my heart.

Thus, I am forever thankful to have friends like Melony in my village.

Prepare Instead of Plan

Recently, I interviewed Melony as a guest for my podcasts. Seeing how impactful Melony’s work was in helping others achieve an overcomer mindset, I decided to feature her on both of my podcasts, The Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight and Shelf Indulgence Book Chats.

My conversations with Melony reminded me that I do not have to have all the answers, all the time.

In fact, trying to do so is an exercise in futility.

In my video below, I explain:

Canceled Plans // Prepare // Homeschool // 2e // Gifted // Learning Differences //Twice Exceptional

Let Go and Let God

“God is working on your problem. Stay calm. Stay sweet. Stay out of fear and keep on keeping on.”

Joyce Meyer

Instead of endlessly trying to exert control over things I cannot control (and thus feeding the anxiety monster in the process), I endeavor to let it go.

Seems simple enough, right?

In truth, it requires an active effort on my part.

Surrender requires the active laying down of one’s own will so God can have His.

In these moments, I am thankful for yet another dear friend, advocate, nonprofit champion with a HUGE servant’s heart, fellow homeschool mom, and member of my homeschool village, Jodie Ellis of S.E.R.V.E. Homeschool Outreach.

During our interviews for my Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight podcast, Jodie reminded me that as Christians we are never expected to do God’s work in our own strength.

Planning means living in a constant state of fear of never knowing what is on the horizon and thus attempting, in our own strength mind you, to become omniscient in order to control all circumstances so tragedy and failure can be avoided.

Read that again.

Sounds crazy, right?

In this endless pursuit of attempting to ensure the maximum possible chance for a positive outcome, we fail to recognize that we are currently living in the state we fear the most.


It’s time to change our zip code by changing our state of mind.

Fear Not

“Don’t be afraid for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

Isaiah 41:20

So, how do we prepare?

By nurturing our relationship with our Creator.

We do not need to plan.

We need to surrender our plans to God and trust in his promise to provide whatever we need whenever we need it.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not depend on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5

In order to effectively keep the anxiety monster at bay, we need to make a commitment to invest in our relationship with the Lord.

Family, friends, the world, the enemy, and even our own minds can cast shadows of doubt on our ability to successfully educate our children. But they are not on the throne.

Our God is.

And He will never leave us. (Deuteronomy 31:6, Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 4:31, 1 Kings 8:57, Genesis 28:15).

Coming Up

Join us for Part 5 of our “Ten Tips for Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional 2(e) Learners” where we teach you how to play follow the leader to homeschooling success with your 2(e) learner.

Let’s Keep In Touch

Have a heart for service and love podcasts? Check out our It’s Only Homeschooling Podcast presents the Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight. Each month we feature a different community outreach program. We hope to bring awareness to the good works of these amazing organizations and encourage support.

You can listen to podcast episodes on YouTubePodbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Samsung, PlayerFM, or right here on our website.

Are you a homeschool parent looking for encouragement from other homeschool parents in the trenches? Then check out our latest podcast series, Shelf-Indulgence Book Chats. In this series, we chat with some amazing authors who also happen to be homeschool moms of faith. New episodes will premier the first Wednesday of every month on the It’s Only Homeschooling YouTube Channel.

Be sure you do not miss a blog post by signing up for my email list, liking my Facebook or Instagram page, or subscribing to my YouTube channel.

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This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!

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