Trust Your Journey With Overcomer Melony Brown: Equipping and Empowering Women to Thrive

Journey On

If you have read my blog posts, watched my digital content, or listened to my podcast episodes, you know I believe in the power of community.

I was scrolling through my social media when I came across an ad for a beautiful book. The cover was the loveliest shade of deep Lake Tahoe blue emblazoned with the artwork of a woman hiker. Perched atop a mountain, hands poised on her hips, the character gazed into the distance at the path ahead. Before her, lay majestic mountains, green valleys, and a picturesque lake.

While I cannot see her face, her posture speaks volumes. It is one of fierce determination. Feet planted firmly, backpack of essential gear secured on her squared shoulders, she surveys the landscape before her.

How far has she come?

What trials has she faced along the way? What obstacles did she scale to reach this point of her journey?

We may never know.

But then again, we already know.

For she is me. She is you. She is all of us who have looked challenges straight in the eyes and said, “This may bruise me, but it will not break me.”

Bruised, Not Broken

Captivated by the beautiful artwork, I was even more intrigued by the book’s title, “Challenges Won’t Stop Me: An Interactive Survival Guide for Overcoming & Thriving.”

Without hesitation, I reached out to the book’s author, Melony Brown. I had to know more about the woman behind the words.

Over a brief phone call, I heard the most amazing story. Yet it was only the tip of the iceberg. I knew I needed to know the rest. So, I invited her to appear on not one but BOTH of my podcasts.

In honor of National Chronic Illness Awareness Month, we are humbled to shine our Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight on author, teacher, podcaster, public speaker, and overcomer, Melony Brown.

Struggling Does Not Equal Suffering

Melony’s battles with neurological struggles began at the tender age of 2 when she had a stroke that impacted her left side. Undeterred by the doctors’ poor prognoses, Melony’s parents provided her with interventions and support. Yet, they did not allow her to view herself as “lesser than” in any way.

The only “pass” she was ever given was when her parents advocated on her behalf to the school to allow her to be exempt from mandatory typing classes. The stroke at age 2 had left her with minimal use of her left hand. Her parents knew she would never be able to pass the timed typing tests and feared it would negatively impact her GPA.

Decades of neurological struggles, including mini-strokes and migraines culminated in a diagnosis of Moyamoya Disease in her 40s. Brain surgery soon followed.

There is not enough space in a brief blog post to give full justice to the hard-won victories Melony has achieved. True to her humble nature, she would prefer to shift the focus to other overcomers anyway.

The biggest part of her story? Her mindset and her mission.

The mindset that is possible for any of us to adopt if we choose to do so. The mindset that she recognizes in others, often before they do. The mindset that she teaches others to harness and hone by taking readers on a journey of self-exploration and faith.

The mindset of the Overcomer.

And her mission? To connect with other Overcomers, collect their stories, and share their experiences to inspire and encourage. Stories she lovingly shares in her podcast, Challenges Won’t Stop Me (formerly ZigZag & 1).

What To Expect From Melony Brown

Books. What began as blog posts quickly grew into self-published books. Melony has continued her Journey On! Series with Book 2: Keep Moving Forward. Her sophomore effort will be released on October 10, 2023.

Merch. Need a fun, friendly (and even useful) reminder to never give up? Check out Melony’s merch, from tumblers to travel logs, or even autographed copies of her book.

Podcasts. Initially, Melony collected the stories of other Overcomers and documented them in blog format. With the encouragement of her husband, her blog gave birth to a podcast. The podcast brought forth a book. To check out Melony’s podcast, click here.

Quizzes. Discover your journey personality with the help of Melony’s FREE quiz. Click here.

Have an Overcomer Story to Share?

Melony loves people and is always on the lookout for the next Overcomer Story. You never know when sharing your trials and triumphs can help inspire and motivate another person. Reach out and connect. You might be just the interview candidate she is looking for!

Work With Melony

In need of a public speaker for your event? Consider hiring Melony. Connect with her here.

Want To Know More About Melony Brown?

Be sure to join our next few podcast episodes to learn more about Melony Brown. We will speak to Melony about her mission to help equip and empower women to overcome and thrive.

We will chat about her books, Challenges Won’t Stop Me, and Keep Moving Forward in our Shelf Indulgence Book Chats series. We will talk with Melony for a second time in our Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight series where we will discuss her podcast, Challenges Won’t Stop Me (formerly ZigZag & 1).

You can listen here on our website, YouTube channel, Podbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Samsung.

Trust Your Journey With Overcomer Melony Brown: Equipping & Empowering Women to Thrive

Strategies for Overcomer Success From Melony Brown // Homeschool Support // Homeschool Encouragement

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