Train Up A Child: Katie J Trent Want to Help You Put the FUN Back into the FUNdamentals of Family Discipleship

Parenting With Purpose

It’s summer here at It’s Only Homeschooling.

Whether it’s neighborhood barbecues, pool time with friends, indoor playdates at trampoline parks when we need to beat the triple-digit heat, summer camps, or Vacation Bible School, we know how to have FUN!

From the fireworks, flags, and fanfare commemorating the birth of our nation on July 4th to ongoing neurodiversity awareness with National Parenting Gifted Children Week (July 16-22, 2023) to our commitment as being a contributing member of the greater parent “village” with National Make A Difference for Children Month, we celebrate all month long!

Of all of the joyous occasions, we are humbled to honor, there is one that is particularly special, Purposeful Parenting Month.

Shepherding Our Children

It is my firm belief there is no greater purpose as a parent than to shepherd the minds and hearts of our children.

Kimberly Bennett, IOH Mom

Family Faith-Building Academy Helps Families Put the FUN Back Into the FUNdamentals of Discipleship

The heart is the wellspring of life. In order to adequately teach our children, we must first pursue a relationship with them. After all, we were created for relationship! Relationship with our heavenly father and with one another.

Without this connection, we fail to not only fully comprehend the glory of our Creator, but also the purpose for which we were created.

In honor of Purposeful Parenting Month this July, It’s Only Homeschooling is proud to feature a homeschool mom on a mission to help families grow in their relationship with one another and with Christ while having FUN along the way, Katie J. Trent.

Missions Begin At Home

Do not get me wrong. I firmly advocate for making service outside the home a healthy habit. So strong is my belief in the importance of encouraging outreach and volunteerism, that I dedicated this monthly blog post and bimonthly podcast series to the practice, The Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight.

Yet, you do not need to travel the world to find a mission field. You have one in your home!

Whether lounging in your living room, dining at your kitchen table, folding endless piles of laundry on your couch, splashing with toy boats at bathtime, settling sibling squabbles, or praying at your child’s bedside, endless opportunities abound within the walls of your home to disciple your children.

Startling Statistics

Through some powerful conversations with a few fellow homeschool moms, including Living With Eve’s Leilani Melendez, SPED Homeschool‘s Peggy Ployhar, and more recently with this month’s spotlight feature, Katie J Trent of Family Faith-Building Academy, I have gained insight into some startling statistics when it comes to the longevity of our children’s faith.

And I have come to a conclusion. I have never been more resolved in my true calling as a homeschool mom of faith.

These numbers are more than just disheartening, they’re sobering.

Research indicates 70-88% of children raised in Christian homes who regularly attend church still leave the faith by early adulthood–and an alarming percentage never return to their faith.1

  • One of the primary reasons youth abandon the Christian faith is because they never personally owned their faith.2
  • 35-42 million youths raised in Christian homes will depart from their faith over the next 30 years..3
Katie J, Family Faith-Building Academy

I don’t know about you, but one glance at these findings was like plunging my head into a bucket of ice water.

Beyond the proverbial “wake-up call,” this is a call to action.

Faith in Action

So, what is a parent to do when faced with this sort of daunting data?

Bottom line: we know we need to do something. But what? Or better yet, how?

How do loving parents approach the discipleship of their children?

How do loving parents grow in their relationship with the Lord as a family?

How do loving parents cultivate connection?

How do loving parents learn how to put in the work of shepherding their children while also resting in the shelter of the Lord’s promises?

Where do we begin?

Train Up A Child

As homeschool parents, my husband and I teach our son many things. By far the greatest of these is cultivating a strong relationship with the Lord.

Investing in our child’s spiritual training is not only a form of discipleship but also a form of worship. Our children are on loan to us from God. It is our duty to lay the firm foundation of faith in our homes, sowing these seeds so that our children may continue to reap the bountiful fruit throughout their lives long after they leave our homes.

Sometimes, however, we understand the “what” that we need to do while simultaneously struggling with the “how” to do it.

Enter Family Faith-Building Academy.

Family Faith-Building Academy

Family Faith-Building Academy is an eight-week online course developed by Licensed Clinical Social Worker, homeschool mom, and best-selling author, Katie J. Trent.

Courtesy of Katie J. Trent’s YouTube Channel

Through this course, Katie has done all of the hard work for you – gathering resources and consolidating them into easy-to-follow, FUN lessons to help you go from feeling intimidated and ill-equipped to confident and capable in your discipleship of your children.

Enjoy learning right along with your children.

Grow as a family in your faith.

What To Expect From Family Faith-Building Academy

By the end of the course, you will have…

  • A Clear Discipleship Roadmap & Confidence to Implement It. You’ll know exactly what you believe (and how to share your beliefs easily with others). Plus, you’ll define what you want to instill in your children as they grow so you don’t veer off-course or get lost along the journey. 
  • A Redefined View of Worship. Develop a sense of wonder for yourself and your kids as you discover meaningful new ways to worship God together and cultivate a childlike faith. 
  • A Passionate & Powerful Prayer Life. Break free from the routine prayer ruts and transform your prayer life as you teach your kids how to speak with and listen to Jesus throughout the day. 
  • Deeper Understanding & Newfound Love for the Bible. Learn how to teach your kids to learn and love the Bible at every age and stage. Plus, discover Katie’s very own F.U.N. Bible study method for families!
  • A Better Connection with Your Child(ren). Discover the power of intentional parenting and learn how to create moments that matter with your kids. 
  • Tools to Build Your Faith in Every Stage & Season. You’ll walk away with the knowledge and resources to confidently disciple your kids through every age and stage of development. Plus, you’ll discover how to stretch your own faith muscles too!

Membership Options

Family Faith-Building Academy has two levels of membership, Basic and VIP Access. To learn more about these different levels of membership, visit their website.

Uncertain if you want to make a long-term commitment? Not a problem. Katie offers a “Try It – Test It – Apply It” Option.

If you’re on the fence, then I want to give you EVERY opportunity to put Family Faith-Building Academy into action and experience the joy of cultivating a vibrant faith as a family. 

That’s why I’m giving you the chance to watch the trainings and put in the work to revolutionize your family discipleship strategy with NO RISK! 

If after two weeks you’ve watched all the videos and completed all the activities, and still aren’t satisfied that this is what you were looking for, simply show me your work, and I’ll gladly give you a FULL REFUND!

Katie also offers additional discount rates for groups (homeschool co-ops, moms groups, and churches). Email Katie for further info:

Sneak Peeks

Curious as to what you will find inside Family Faith-Building Academy? I was, too. Thankfully, Katie knows her audience well and made a behind-the-scenes sneak peek video for curious parents just like me.

In this preview you will see: the learning modules plus bonus content! There is also a section for live Q&A, group coaching calls (plus replay), video lessons, recommended resources, downloadable content, and free printables.

Lessons are brief but packed with information. Lessons are designed to accommodate diverse learning styles as you can receive your information via audio, video, or transcripts. Finally, lessons are self-paced, freeing busy parents to complete them in their own time.

There are also opportunities to connect with other families of faith.

Want to know more about Family Faith-Building Academy?

Be sure to join our next podcast episode to learn more about Family Faith-Building Academy. In this Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight episode, we will speak to Katie about her mission to help parents grow in their faith as they disciple their children.

You can listen here on our website, our YouTube channel, at Podbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio, or Samsung.

Train Up Your Child With Family Faith-Building Academy – Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight Ep 21

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This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting! 
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