The Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight Rewind: It’s Your Serve

I have a passion for helping others.

This passion led me to my chosen profession as a counselor in my pre-homeschool mommy life.

More recently, this passion led to my creating my blog and podcast series, The Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight. In this podcast series, I highlight the works of individuals, small businesses, and organizations working to make their communities a better place, one act of service at a time.

Since interviewing my first guest, Ms. Cyndi Bunch of Phillip’s Wish, over a year ago, I have met many wonderful, amazing humans who have taught me and my family some powerful lessons that rival any character ed curriculum in our homeschool.

Through my work with H.earts I.n M.otion, our family was inspired to partner with Grace Rehab and Therapedia Keller, LLC to start collecting gently used orthotics for H.I.M.’s medical mission outreach in Guatemala.

Homeschool Outreach II It’s Only Homeschooling II Hearts In Motion

I’ve met single moms raising young men to become world changes, one act of kindness at a time. Christina Cheng and her two young sons, Ishaan and Avinash, saw a need in the world and decided to do something about it.

What started as a single bottle of water given in kindness to a stranger on a blisteringly hot Texas day grew into a grassroots movement transforming the greater DFW community.

Through her accomplishments with Under My Umbrella, Christina reminded me the impact we make on the world begins at home.

I am humbled to have met so many parents paving the way for a better world. Moms like the founder and President of S.E.R.V.E. Homeschool Outreach, Jodie Ellis. Jodie is a homeschool mom on a mission to raise up the next generation of homeschool helpers willing to wear their servants’ hearts on their sleeves.

The Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight – Relax, It’s Only Homeschooling (

We all face hardships. Just because we are battling our own storms does not mean we cannot help someone else weather theirs.

Weathering Our Storms Together // Homeschool Outreach // Christian Service // It’s YOUR Serve Series

Author, public speaker, podcaster, and overcomer Melony Brown has known health challenges since the age of two. But she hasn’t let it stop her from hosting a successful podcast or writing two amazing devotional guides encouraging women to find strength in the midst of struggle.

Former physicist, homeschool mom, and founder of SPED Homeschool, Peggy Ployhar, battled her way back from breast cancer to launch a free resource website to support families who are homeschooling children with learning differences.

Working and homeschooling parents Scott and Nicole Endersby taught me to see the world through a different lens. Celebrating neurodiversity and championing disability awareness, the couple creates magic by capturing precious moments in time for families in need. Servant-hearted and community-minded, tithing their talents to change lives one photo session at a time.

I have been inspired by families coming together to make an impact by providing much-needed resources to the homeschool community, such as Script’Morium Ministries and The Homeschool Quest.

I have grown in my motherhood and my faith by renewing my commitment to family discipleship with Katie J. Trent. I have developed an appreciation for the arts and learned to harness the power of music with Jus’ Classical.

Each of these individuals I have encountered has helped me learn and grow. And I am grateful for all of them.

Always learning, always growing.

Paying It Forward

In this season of giving, I humbly submit that each and every one of us has the opportunity to participate in the Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight.

In honor of National Giving Month this December, we challenge YOU to step into the role of steward and let your love light shine.

Service does not have to look like the grand gestures you have seen us highlight in our Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight series. Outreach can come in many forms. The smallest gesture of kindness can carry the greatest weight.

A Servant’s Heart

Not quite sure where to begin?

Check out our blog for ideas here.

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This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thank you for visiting!
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