Survival Tips for Moms Who Work-At-Home and Homeschool

Being a work-at-home mom and homeschooling mom can be challenging, but it isn’t impossible.

Being a work-at-mom has been challenging for me as well as fulfilling. I have been doing it for several years. It has been a wild ride. I have worked my business with the ups and downs but always stayed consistent with homeschooling and spending time with my family.

I have a few tips and strategies to help you do it all.

Make a plan and work it. Having a plan is essential to being successful. It also helps to time block your day when you have a plan. Time blocking will help you set aside time for each task you need to complete. This gives you the time to do it all. Set aside time for family and homeschooling while making sure you have time to work your business.

Speaking of setting aside time for family and homeschooling, it is essential that you map this out first otherwise you may not be able to do all that you have to do. As a homeschooling mom, I set aside this time first followed by family time so that I make sure these are a priority in my life. While working is important to me, my family comes first.

Embrace the freedom that comes from working from home and homeschooling. This enables you to be more flexible as well as productive with your days. I enjoy spending time homeschooling my child. But I also enjoy the time I spend working. My time is flexible as well. If something needs to move on my calendar I can. We all have unexpected things that come up so it is great that you can be flexible.

Cultivate creativity. Creativity can be expressed when it comes to your business especially when you can be flexible with your time. Work at peak productivity and creative times for you. Some people are early-morning people while others are late-day people. You can make your schedule work for you and your family.

Bonus Tip

Make friends with change. Lastly, you must understand that online jobs have clients that come and go. That is ok. Just work your business and more will come. You have to move with the ebb and flow of your business when planning.

You also need to have leads in your pipeline so that when one client leaves you can take on another. This is being mindful of your time. Remember you can take on more clients than you have time for.

Hiring Help

Yes, it is challenging to balance family, homeschooling, and working from home but with these few tips, you too can do it. Be strategic with your time management, be flexible, and most of all put your family first.

After all, isn’t that why you started homeschooling and working from home? You wanted the freedom that came with it as well as control over your child(ren)’s education. My tips will help you do it all. Any questions you can email me at

Want To Know More About Nakisha and Savvy VA?

It’s Only Homeschooling partners with Virtual Assistant, Nakisha Blain. Nakisha is a strategic virtual assistant specializing in all things social media and admin support. She is the owner of Savvy VA Social Media Management, a consulting agency.

Nakisha’s social media presence is 400+K strong (and growing) across multiple platforms including Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) centered around homeschooling children of all grades and age levels.

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