Need Help Homeschooling For Your Twice-Exceptional Learner? Just Ask!

“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”

Albert Einsten

Doubt says, “You do NOT know it all.”

Fear says, “You never will.”

Faith says, “You don’t have to.”

Imposter Syndrome

Technically, I have been practicing counseling for the past twenty-three years. I have professional licenses in two states. In my pre-homeschool mommy life, I ran a successful counseling practice.

Yet, most days, I question my abilities as a helper.

No, really.

I remember feeling fully confident in my professional counseling abilities for about half an hour in my late twenties. It was the day I opened the letter containing the results of my licensing exam. I had passed! It was official! I had completed supervision and was now ready to see clients independently.

I exhaled in relief. I was overjoyed. I was validated that all my hard work and sacrifice had finally paid off. I had arrived.

And then.

The false confidence given to me by this solitary piece of paper stamped by the licensing board quickly evaporated.

I allowed doubt to creep in.

All the what-ifs, shoulds, and buts poured over me like ice water. Uncertainty turned to fear. Within those same thirty minutes, I allowed the second half of my thought to take me captive instead of encouraging me, “I was ready to see clients, independently.”

On my own. 😱

Down the rabbit hole of worry, I went. My thoughts quickly spiraled to, “Oh no, when will they figure out that I do not know what I am doing?”

Reflecting on this experience as I write this blog post, I chuckle and shake my head.

As a therapist who understands anxiety deeply through both a personal and professional lens, I am well acquainted with imposter syndrome.

As a Believer, I am thankful to be able to run to the well that never runs dry when attacks of angst rear their ugly head.

Great (But Realistic) Expectations

Do you expect yourself to be your child’s dentist?

How about their pediatrician?

No? Not even if you are a dentist or a pediatrician?

Well, that’s good. Glad we cleared that one up.

So if that sounds absurd to you, why should you expect yourself to be ALL things for your child, ALL the time?

Even if you have taught professionally, did you not have support personnel? Fellow teachers, who taught other subjects or classes? Of course, you did!

Why should homeschooling, especially homeschooling a child with learning differences, be any different?

Asking for Help

In our homeschool, I am forever thankful for our occupational and physical therapy crew. To give you a bit of background, our son was born prematurely. He had developmental delays and was diagnosed with Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia) and Sensory Integration Dysfunction (Sensory Processing Disorder) at around age 3. Years of OT and PT services followed.

Over the years, I have gleaned wonderful knowledge from the extended family of practitioners to help our son grow and thrive. I share some of my favorite tips in my “What I Learned from Physical and Occupational Therapy” vlog series. Here is an example in the video below:

From teaching tips to accommodations and modifications to gentle encouragement and support, our therapy crew is an invaluable resource.

In the video below, I share my experience asking for help:

Ask for Help // Homeschooling Tips // 2e // Gifted // Learning Differences //Twice Exceptional

What if you do not have an OT and PT crew?

Not to worry. You have your homeschool village! But I’m getting ahead of myself. We’ll talk more about that in future posts and videos.

See? You don’t have to know it all.

You never will.

And that’s ok.

Surround yourself with people who know more than you do.

God has a way of putting those people in your path.

You only need to ask.

Coming Up

Join us for Part 7 of our “Ten Tips for Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional 2(e) Learners” where we examine the most important component of ANY homeschooling experience, relationship.

Let’s Keep In Touch

Have a heart for service and love podcasts? Check out our It’s Only Homeschooling Podcast presents the Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight. Each month we feature a different community outreach program. We hope to bring awareness to the good works of these amazing organizations and encourage support.

You can listen to podcast episodes on YouTubePodbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Samsung, PlayerFM, or right here on our website.

Are you a homeschool parent looking for encouragement from other homeschool parents in the trenches? Then check out our latest podcast series, Shelf-Indulgence Book Chats. In this series, we chat with some amazing authors who also happen to be homeschool moms of faith. New episodes will premier the first Wednesday of every month on the It’s Only Homeschooling YouTube Channel.

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This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!

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