Introducing IOH’s Shelf Indulgence Book Chats Podcast

Hello IOH Friends,

I am excited to announce the premier of the Shelf Indulgence Book Chats Podcast!

Sponsored by It’s Only Homeschooling, in this series we chat with some amazing authors who also happen to be homeschool moms of faith.

Join us as these ladies share the lessons they have learned through trials and tribulations, painstaking retreats, and prodigal returns.  Garnered via grit and grace, these mama bears bear witness to the Lord’s plans in their lives.  Walking in obedience, and teaching others through their testimonies, they share their stories to encourage other moms just like them.      

Where and When to Listen

Beginning in May 2023, new episodes will premier the first Wednesday of every month on the It’s Only Homeschooling YouTube Channel.

Author Recommendations

Do you have an author you would like to submit for consideration?

Perhaps YOU are a homeschool parent who is also an author?

Do you have some hard-earned wisdom to share with fellow homeschool parents?

How about teaching tips, personal growth stories, or words of encouragement?

Then you may be just the kind of parent we want to talk with on our Shelf Indulgence Book Chats series on YouTube!

Would you like to be considered as a candidate?

Then reach out and tell me a little bit about yourself!

A copy of your book must be submitted for consideration. Digital format is welcome.

Please note, this is not a book review or critique, but rather an opportunity to share your experience as a homeschool parent with other homeschool families in order to encourage and inspire.

Check out my Work With Me Page to learn more.

Looking Ahead

With the It’s Only Homeschooling website, podcasts, and YouTube channel, we invite your family to join ours for life lessons beyond the classroom. We hope you’ll make It’s Only Homeschooling a regular stop along the way in your homeschool adventures.

Education is a journey, not a destination. When you feel the weight of the heavier days, remember there is an entire community of homeschool families here to walk alongside you and guide you. So take a deep breath and relax, it’s only homeschooling.

Let’s Keep In Touch

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