Get Help Homeschooling Your Teen for FREE With The Homeschooling Teens Summit

In our homeschool we have a motto: education is a journey, not a destination.

I am truly thankful I do not have to take this journey alone. As my family and I complete our sixth year of homeschooling, we are officially saying goodbye to elementary school. In a few short months, I will be homeschooling a middle schooler. In a few short years, I will be homeschooling a teen and a high schooler.

Total transparency? Despite my background as a therapist working with adolescents and adults for over twenty years, I have moments when I feel a bit intimated by the thought of parenting a teen much less homeschooling one.

When these moments of self-doubt and fear descend, I take comfort in two things: faith and community.

The Comfort of Community

We were not meant to go through life alone. We were made for community. Homeschooling is no different.

During the moments when I feel stressed, overwhelmed, or even doubtful of my ability to teach my child a particular subject or skill, I am reminded of this truth.

And I am thankful for my village.

Find You Village

In both my professional and personal life, I have learned I do not need to know it all. In fact, I never will. And that’s okay. Instead, I have learned to surround myself with people who know more than I do.

One of my other favorite mottos? Always learning always growing.

Most of us have heard the phrase teachable moments. But what about learning moments? As a mother, a professional, and a lifelong student, I have come to recognize that opportunities to learn present themselves to us daily. We need only to open our eyes to see, our ears to hear, our minds to process, and our hearts to remember.

Homeschooling Teens Summit

One such opportunity to help support you in your homeschooling journey is the Homeschooling Teens Summit.

Grab your FREE Pass HERE.

A Wealth Of Knowledge

I am proud to both teach and learn alongside some amazing presenters. Check out the lineup.

Topics Covered

Day OneFoundation: Roadmap to Success

  • Can I Really Homeschool High School? (Abby Banks)
  • 5 Essentials to Start Off Right (Michelle Osborne)
  • Motivating Your Teens: Insights for Homeschool Moms (Molly Christensen)
  • Social Savvy: Building a Social Network for Homeschool Teens (Dachelle McVey)
  • Find Your Hidden Power Skills (Michelle Koles)
  • Checking Off All The Boxes (Michelle Osborne)
  • Homeschooling Teens Myth Busters (Michelle Huddleston)
  • Finding and Choosing Curriculum (Vicki Tillman)

Day Two – Achieving Excellence – The Benefits of Homeschooling

  • Wacky Wild Wonderful Teens (Meredith Curtis)
  • Impactful Travel for Your Teen (Shanda Smith)
  • Homeschooling a Teen AND Littles: How the Huddlestons Do It With 6! (Michelle Huddleston)
  • How To Create a Customized Homeschool High Plan (Molly Christensen)
  • 3 Steps To Raising Teens Who Think For Themselves & Lead Their Own Education (Kerry Beck)
  • How To Use Music Lessons To Grow in Poise & Other Skills for Public Speaking (Gena Mayo)
  • Unlocking Potential: The Benefits of Volunteering for Homeschooled Teens (Melissa Brander)
  • Improving Brain Health & Learning (Suzanne Gose)
  • A Path To Wealth for Teens (Britton LaTulippe)

Day Three – Equipping for Extraordinary Outcomes

  • Unlock your Teen’s Potential By Building Independence Through Self-Motivation (Theresa Peters)
  • Strategies for Success When High School Isn’t Going Well (Sarah McCubbins)
  • How To Write A Transcript for Non-Traditional Highschool Transcript (Sarah McCubbins)
  • What Should We Expect With Executive Functioning & Teenagers? (Sarah Collins)
  • The Sensory Balanced Teen (Sarah Collins)
  • Soft Skills For Teens: The Keys To Success (Michelle Koles)
  • How To Help Your Teen Make & Keep Friends (Melanie Wilson)
  • Light Them Up! Reaching Your Resistant Learner (Michelle Brownell)
  • Fail Forward: Empowering Teens To Learn & Adapt From Failure (Theresa Peters)
  • Movement Matters: How Movement Can Help Your Teen Regulate Emotions (Kimberly Bennett)

Grab Your Early Bird Deals TODAY!

Click on the link here to snag this amazing deal!

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Kimberly Bennett, LPC

Founder/CEO It’s Only Homeschooling

Founder/CEO The Homeschool Counseling Network

This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only.

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