Eight Ways to Celebrate MLK Day in Your Homeschool
On the third Monday of every January, we honor the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Below are some ways you can commemorate the remarkable achievements of this Civil Rights Leader and pastor.
Traditionally, this day is a holiday in most public and many private schools. In our homeschool, we celebrate the day with relaxed and fun learning.
Here are our Top Eight Ways to Celebrate MLK Day:
1. Movie Schooling
A great movie tell a good story. And good stories promote relationships. They forge connections both among people and between people and ideas. Relationships are personal. We invest in and gravitate towards things we personalize. Through effective storytelling, we invite the learner to make the experience their “own” and thus foster the learning process itself.
Movie Schooling enhances learning for ALL students, promotes teaching from rest, and is entertaining, convenient, and inexpensive.
Check out this post from mom of four Kristen over at Rage Against the Minivan for a list of movies to watch with your kiddos this MLK Day.
2. YouTube Schooling
When it comes to screen time, I prefer the stance of “quality over quantity.” In our homeschool, it’s all about balance—our brood bonds over family-oriented content on several streaming services. YouTube Schooling is a fan fave in our house. Check out this list of Top 7 Martin Luther King, Jr. Videos on YouTube from blogger mom Amiyrah over at Four Hats & Frugal.
While I defend the use of YouTube in our homeschool as a learning aid, I want to make clear our use of the platform is not without caution. Make no mistake, YouTube safety is paramount. To learn more about how to make YouTube an Ally in your homeschool, check out my blog post here.
3. Field Trips
Who doesn’t love a good field trip?
Keep It Local. Look for events in your area to attend honoring the late Dr. King. Many towns and cities host parades, 5K runs, Peace Walks, and/or art or cultural events.
Roadschooling Ideas. If you are in Georgia, consider visiting the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Park. Guests can tour the birth home of Dr. King, pay respects at his final resting place beside his wife at The King Center, visit the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church, admire the Behold Monument, view exhibitions at the D.R.E.A.M. Gallery, and learn about the MLK Jr. World Peace Rose Gardens programs.
Tour the National Civil Rights Musem in Memphis, TN or the African American Musem in Phildelphia. If you are in our nation’s capitol, visit the Lincoln Memorial (where Dr. King gave his historic “I Have A Dream” Speech), The MLK Monument, or the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History & Culture.
4. Read All About It
We are voracious readers in our home. Below is a reading list including picture books, early chapter books, and middle grade books courtesy of Jeanne Croteau at weareteachers.com.
Martin Luther King Jr Books to Share with Students of All Grade Levels (weareteachers.com)
5. Get Crafty
Get in touch with your creative side through an art or craft project. Below are some great ideas from 123homeschoolforme.com
6. Celebrate With Science
At It’s Only Homeschooling we are all about hands-on, project-based learning. A fancy lab and lots of equipment are not required. To make the magic of a science education come alive, look no further than your kitchen.
To learn about diversity, crack an egg with Ashley from One Sharp Bunch.
7. Write It Out.
Practice Your Cursive. Check out these worksheets from Kelli over at 3 Boys and a Dog.
Write your own “I Have a Dream” Speech. For lesson plan, click here.
Write a “Dream” Acrostic Poem.
8. Serve.
Our family has a passion for outreach. Personally, I feel there is no greater way to honor those who came before, Dr. King included, than through service. Time is our most precious resource. To allocate it in service to others is a generous gift indeed.
Below are some ways you can honor Dr. King through service.
AmeriCorps is a organization that pairs volunteers with communities seeking service. MLK Day is a national day of service. To learn more about how you can serve with AmeriCorps, click here.
JustServe. Overwhelmed with the steps of trying to research all of the different possible service opportunities in your area? No problem. JustServe has just what you need to get you started. JustServe acts as a sort of “middleman,” aligning volunteers with community agencies in need of assistance. There are even opportunities you can take part in from the comfort of your own home! Sign up to volunteer and let them help match you with an organization near you.
The King Center. The King Center focuses on nonviolence education and training. Each year the organization hosts a “King Day” Commmunity Service Outreach Project.

**FREEBIES and Printables**
Martin Luther King Jr. FREEBIE (onesharpbunch.com)
10 Free Printable MLK Day Activities for Kids, including ‘I Have a Dream’ (adayinourshoes.com)
How Do You Celebrate MLK Day?
We’d love to hear from you! Share your ideas in the comments!
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