Category: Special Needs

Your 2(e) Homeschool Student Is More Than Exceptional, They Are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

We have learned a lot over the past several weeks together. From the importance of believing in oneself to modifying curricula to fit your needs, how and why you should educate yourself about your child’s learning challenges, preparing instead of planning, letting your child lead you, the power of...

Want to Help Your 2(e) Homeschool Student Soar? Play Follow the Leader.

How’s it going so far? Feeling more at ease in home-educating your twice-exceptional child? You should! You’re believing in yourself, embracing the freedom of modifying curricula to fit your needs, educating yourself about your child’s strengths and challenges, and trusting the learning process. You’re doing great! You’ve made it...

Your Twice-Exceptional Homeschool Student Already Knows How To Succeed, But Are You Prepared to Help Them?

By now you are acquainted with the world of 2(e) learners, are well-versed in your home state’s rules and regulations governing homeschoolers, have learned to think “outside the box” when it comes to teaching, and have educated yourself on your child’s specific strengths, limitations, and needs. Today, in Part...

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