How To Celebrate International Play Therapy Week in Your Homeschool (Gameschooling)
I am an Amazon Affiliate. See my Disclaimer for more information. You know playing with your child can be fun, but did you also know it can be therapeutic? In honor of International Play Therapy Week, we would like to share with you our top card games for helping children learn...
Ten Reasons Why You Should Teach About Serving Others in Your Homeschool (It’s YOUR Serve, Part 2)
In Part 1 of our “It’s YOUR Serve” series, we examined some of the attitudes, barriers, and beliefs that hinder Christians from serving. Today, in Part 2, we talk about ten reasons why you should teach about serving others in your homeschool. Why Teach Service, Stewardship, and Outreach? From...
It’s YOUR Serve – Ten Barriers that Block Christians From Serving
January is Poverty Awareness Month. Here at It’s Only Homeschooling we are celebrating our passion for outreach with our Salt & Light Spotlight series honoring H.earts I.n M.otion and exploring ways to help you cultivate a heart for service in your home. In our three-part “It’s YOUR Serve” series...
Bonus Advocacy Post: How To Recruit Educational Support for Your Child with Learning Differences
In Part 1 of our “Advocacy” series, we discussed the many roles parents play in their children’s lives and introduced a new role, parent advocate. We examined our feelings about living with labels while also emphasizing the importance of educating yourself about your child’s diagnosis. Finally, we touched on...
Advocacy: The Role of the Parent, Part 3 – Teaching Self-Advocacy
In Part 1 of our “Advocacy” series, we discussed the many roles parents play in their children’s lives. We also introduced a new role, the role of a parent advocate. We examined our feelings about living with labels and emphasized the importance of educating yourself about your child’s learning...
Advocacy – The Role of the Parent, Part 2: Recruiting Support
In Part 1 of our “Advocacy” series, we discussed the many roles parents play in their children’s lives. We also introduced a new role, the role of a parent advocate. We examined our feelings about living with labels and emphasized the importance of educating yourself about your child’s learning...
Advocacy: The Role of the Parent
Note: For the purposes of this article, I am speaking from our family’s personal experiences with two diagnoses, in particular, Sensory Processing Disorder and Developmental Coordination Disorder. However, please note, the tips are applicable across whatever learning challenges your child may face. Many Hats Can you juggle? Oh, I’ll...
Living With Labels Part 3: You Have the Diagnosis, Now What?
In Part 1 of IOH’s “Living with Labels” series, we faced our fears of stigma head-on and shared how faith is our most powerful ally. In Part 2, we walked you through the steps involved in obtaining an evaluation and included a little-known tip for helping families in need...
How To Obtain an Evaluation If You Suspect Learning Differences in Your Child (Living With Labels Series, Part 2)
In Part 1 of IOH’s “Living with Labels” series, we faced our fears of stigma head-on and shared how faith is our most powerful ally. Today, in Part 2, we will walk you through the steps involved in obtaining an evaluation and include a little-known tip for helping families...
How to Live With Labels Without Living In Fear (Living with Labels Series Part 1)
To Diagnose or Not Diagnose? In both my professional and personal life, I have always held mixed feelings when it comes to labels. For the sake of effective communication, I recognize some form of a descriptor is necessary at times. Still, I dislike the idea of “categorizing” humans as...