How To Avoid Working and Homeschooling Mom Burnout

Here are my top homeschool mom burnout avoidance tips.

I have to say, some are harder to do than others, but do your best to make them happen because I know in the end if you do what you need to take care of yourself then everything else has a time and place to be taken care of as well. It also helps me take care of my family as you are doing what needs to be done for you.

Pursue Peace

Seek to actively incorporate peaceful practices into your routine.

When I follow this tip, I feel much more centered and balanced throughout my day. 

It’s way easier said than done, but I try my best every day and then give myself grace at the end of the day in the places I have fallen short.

Take a moment to ground yourself. It helps keep you in the moment and feel peaceful.

Nourish Your Body

Eat a healthy diet.

A well-fueled body will work better and keep you more energized through your busy, busy day. It will also make you feel healthier. You can’t expect to skip meals and be energized. Schedule them in your plan for the day.

Spend Time in Nature

Go outside.

Get some sun and breathe in some fresh clean air.  Whether it’s a hike in the woods, a trip to the beach, or a simple walk around the block—being outside can be incredibly therapeutic. The sun gives you Vitamin D so you can recharge your energy as well as feel happier.

Ask For Help

You are already superwoman for being a homeschooling mom, so go ahead and let others know how they can support you and your family. Reach out to homeschooling mom groups as well as other types of support groups, especially Facebook groups.

Treat Yourself

Treat yourself to something occasionally—even if it’s very small.

Small personal treatments are much deserved and something you should not talk yourself out of. A delicious piece of chocolate, a new book, a manicure…whatever you consider a special treat. My favorite things are watching auto racing and having a bonfire so I make time for these occasionally in my schedule.

Make Time For Fun

All work and no play makes for a dull day.

Not everything in your day has to be from your to-do list. It’s okay (and encouraged) to do something just because it’s fun.

Spending time unwinding while doing a fun activity will allow you to feel more energized when you do get back to tackling your to-do list. In turn, this will help you knock those tasks out faster—meaning, the unproductive things may be way more productive than you think! 

Schedule those fun times!

Own Your Accomplishments

Focus on what you do accomplish.

There is always time tomorrow or another day for the things that don’t get done on your list today. It is okay to legitimately put things off because something else came up or you didn’t have time to fit it in. This is also a great time to ask for help. Not everything has to be done by you.

Share Responsibilities

Try setting up a system to share responsibilities within your home. Not only will you remove tasks from your plate by sharing responsibilities, but you will also be training your children to do important life skills. This is a great time to set up a chore chart for you and your family. Get everyone involved!

Prioritize Sleep

Make sleep a priority.

Do your best to go to bed at a decent time. Avoid trying to get things done late at night if possible, and sleep the amount of time your body needs to feel refreshed and ready for a new day. This will help you stay energized throughout the day. Make sure you set a time for you to go to bed every night so you can get 6 to 8 hours of sleep.

Trust Your Instincts

Pay attention to your gut feelings.

When making decisions instead of mulling over them for hours, days, and/or weeks that could be used better on the other things in your life go with your gut and move on.

Your gut knows what is best for you and your family.

While making decisions fast can be bad, write down a pros and cons list to weigh the issue then go with what your gut says is right.

Want To Know More About Nakisha and Savvy VA?

It’s Only Homeschooling partners with Virtual Assistant, Nakisha Blain. Nakisha is a strategic virtual assistant specializing in all things social media and admin support. She is the owner of Savvy VA Social Media Management, a consulting agency.

Nakisha’s social media presence is 400+K strong (and growing) across multiple platforms including Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) centered around homeschooling children of all grades and age levels.

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