Celebrate Homeschool Awareness Month With Free Curricula From Script’Morium Ministries

In honor of Homeschool Awareness Month, we are delighted to revisit our Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight podcast episode that showcases an outreach organization supporting homeschoolers by providing FREE curricula and educational support for over a decade, Script’Morium Ministries.

Names Have Power

Scriptorium, literally “a place for writing”, is commonly used to refer to a room in medieval European monasteries devoted to the writing, copying, and illumninating of maunscripts commonly handled by monastic scribes. Because our ministry is much more than writing, and encompasses all educational support, we modified it to say “More” within the name, hence: Script’MORium!

Script’Morium | Sparks Academy (okbookshack.org)

Long before it was Script’Morium Ministries, LLC, this ministry began as The Book Samaritan. Founded by a Christian mother and daughter duo in a home in Oklahoma, this faith-based, recycled homeschool supply resource center supported homeschool families nationwide.

Working in a “distribution center” format, The Book Samaritan housed shelves of stored books and supplies available for redistribution via an application process. Materials were dispensed through local pick-ups and mail-out requests.

Unfortunately, in the late 2010s, this beloved ministry closed its doors.

But not for long.

The Book Samaritan was re-envisioned as The Book Shack and continued to operate in borrowed and rented spaces for the next few years. Unfortunately, these efforts, too, experienced struggle and The Book Shack eventually closed its doors.

A New Chapter

After prayerful consideration, a homeschooling family of eight knew what they had to do. The Waterman Family had supported the Book Shack for years and hated to see this beloved entity fall away.

Using their own funds, they secured a new storefront for the ministry. After a year in storage, items were loaded up and transported to a new home. The new digs are situated on the property of the Revive Free Will Baptist Church in Tecumseh, Oklahoma. A location closer to the Waterman’s home.

A limited liability company was established. Volunteers were recruited to staff the shop. Script’Morium was born.

Free Resources

The Waterman’s understand all too well the burden many homeschooling families face. As most homeschooling families are single-income, and with the additional financial strains of the current economy, all resources, curricula, and materials are FREE.

Could you use a little help obtaining homeschool supplies? While items are completely FREE to all who have a need, operating hours are a bit trickier. The Watermans are a busy homeschooling family.

Hours of Operation

First & Third Thursdays of the month – 11am-2pm

Wednesday evenings – 6-8pm

Fourth Fridays – 6-9pm

Third Saturdays – 10am-2pm

At the time of this article, business hours are a bit sporadic. Updated operating times are, however, posted on the ministry’s Facebook page. Follow their social media for ongoing updates.

If you are interested in requesting more information about availability or would like to schedule a visit to the Script’Morium, please contact Devra.

Note: If you cannot visit The Script’Morium in person and require the ministry to mail educational items to you. However, mail fees are the responsibility of the recipient.

Want To Know More About Script’Morium Ministries?

Be sure to check out our podcast episodes to learn more about Script’Morium Ministries. In these Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight episodes, we speak to Devra Waterman about her family’s mission field in education. Listen in as we learn how Script’Morium Ministries came to be and where it’s going next.

Script’Morium Ministries SERVES Up Free Resources for Educators – Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight Ep 16
Script’Morium Ministries Wants to Help YOU Homeschool for FREE! Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight Ep 17

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