Do You Know The Secret Sauce for Homeschooling 2(e) Student Success?

Thus far, we have introduced you to the world of twice-exceptional or 2e learners, guided you through the evaluation process as outlined on our Advocacy Page, offered encouragement and resources to help you ensure your family is in compliance with your state’s homeschool regulations, reminded you that no one is better equipped to educate your twice-exceptional student than you, and taught you how to think outside the box as a homeschool parent.

Today, it’s the parent’s turn to hit the books.

Secret Ingredient to 2(e) Student Success

Out of the many phrases I am known for repeating in our homeschool, this one is by far a favorite.

“Always learning, always growing.”

Kimberly Bennett, It’s Only Homeschooling

I love to learn.

I am genuinely curious.

I also enjoy a challenge.

While I may not enjoy every part of the problem-solving process, I am empowered by my ability to recognize a problem and take the initiative to seek answers to bring about resolution.

When I hit roadblocks, I seek an alternate route.

While I may ask for help at times, I do not sit idly by waiting for rescue.

I actively participate in crafting a solution.

And I want nothing less for my child.

Lifelong Learners

The best teachers are willing students, lifelong learners who are traveling companions on this education journey with their children.

Knowledge is power.

Educating myself about my child’s unique learning needs is the secret ingredient in my recipe for homeschool success.

I do not expect myself to know it all.

In fact, I know I never will.

Rather, what I cultivate is an ongoing openness to learning about my child’s diagnoses, my child’s personality and individual needs, and my own needs.

I speak more about my experience in the video below:

Educate Yourself // Homeschooling // 2e // Gifted // Learning Differences //Twice Exceptional

Sharing Your Knowledge

One of the many beautiful traits of the home school community (and by far one of my favorites), is our willingness to support one another. When we stumble across something that works, we tend to not keep it to ourselves.

Share what you have learned with others! Make a YouTube video, share in a social media support group, participate in a podcast, or tell your story at a conference. You never know who you might help.

Coming Up

Join us for Part 4 of our “Ten Tips for Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional 2(e) Learners” where we highlight the difference between having a plan and being prepared.

Let’s Keep In Touch

Have a heart for service and love podcasts? Check out our It’s Only Homeschooling Podcast presents the Salt & Light SERVE Spotlight. Each month we feature a different community outreach program. We hope to bring awareness to the good works of these amazing organizations and encourage support.

You can listen to podcast episodes on YouTubePodbean, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Samsung, PlayerFM, or right here on our website.

Are you a homeschool parent looking for encouragement from other homeschool parents in the trenches? Then check out our latest podcast series, Shelf-Indulgence Book Chats. In this series, we chat with some amazing authors who also happen to be homeschool moms of faith. New episodes will premier the first Wednesday of every month on the It’s Only Homeschooling YouTube Channel.

Be sure you do not miss a blog post by signing up for my email list, liking my Facebook or Instagram page, or subscribing to my YouTube channel.

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This website is not a professional counseling website and nothing here should be construed as professional counseling advice. Although Kimberly Bennett, LPC is a Licensed Professional Counselor, she is not your counselor, and no counselor-client relationship is established unless she has signed an agreement with you. All information provided through this website is for informational and educational purposes only. This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure statement. Thanks for visiting!

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