Need Help With Homeschooling Your Twice-Exceptional (2e) Learner?

What is Twice-Exceptional (2e)?

Twice-exceptional (or 2e) Learners exhibit talent and/or natural ability in some areas while also being challenged in other areas with learning differences.

National Association for Gifted Children


Gifted and Talented.

Learning differences.

Specific Learning Disorders.

Learning Disabilities.



Overwhelmed and labeled out yet? No need to fear the labels. Labels, while not all-encompassing to our children as a whole, have their place. When applied and used properly, they can be invaluable tools.

To learn how to live with labels without living in fear, check out my blog series here.

How Do I Know if My Child is a 2e Learner?

While outward observation alone is not enough to determine a child’s learning strengths and limitations, there are a few common characteristics of gifted learners such as insatiable curiosity, strong memory, being a quick learner, profound interest in a specific topic, enjoyment of learning in general, and out-of-the-box thinking.

Some common emotions and behaviors include often displaying emotional maturity, empathy, the ability to easily relate to adults, rapid speech, and high energy.

Among twice-exceptional students, traits include all of the above-mentioned characteristics as well as a tendency towards higher emotional and intellectual sensitivity in comparison to their chronological same-age peers.

Furthermore, the key component is asynchronous development. In layman’s terms, this simply means these kiddos are “all over the map” regarding grade-level ability or age-appropriate development. An example may be a 3rd grader who conceptually understands high school-level math facts but struggles with fine motor skills such that his or her handwriting resembles that of a kindergartener.

In order to accurately determine your child’s individual strengths and limitations (and so you can adequately provide for your child’s educational needs), a comprehensive assessment is recommended.

To learn more about the evaluation process, click here.

If you are looking for a homeschool family-friendly clinician to evaluate your child for learning differences, check out our resource list here.

Home Educating the 2(e) or Twice-Exceptional Learner

No two twice-exceptional learners are alike, each student has his or her own unique academic, emotional, social, physical, and behavioral needs.

Homeschooling twice-exceptional kids is often the very best thing you can do for them, and you. Twice-exceptional {or 2E} kids tend to struggle in a typical school environment. Their superior intellect helps them compensate for (and mask) their disabilities. Their disabilities tend to “tone down” their intellectual gifts. They come across as class clowns, disruptions, lazy, or average. It is really difficult for the typical school setting to work for them.

Homeschooling Twice Exceptional Kids (

Properly educating 2(e) children requires first accurately recognizing and identifying each child’s particular strengths and limitations. Teaching twice-exceptional children can be both exciting and challenging.

Protecting Yourself

It should be noted that state regulations for homeschoolers vary. In our home state of Texas, we are neither required to keep formal records nor administer formal assessments. At IOH, we recommend you educate yourself regarding your state’s homeschooling laws to ensure you are in compliance.

Visit the Homeschool Legal Defense Association’s website to determine your state’s homeschooling laws.

Coming Up

Over the next few weeks, I will share with you the top ten tips I use for homeschooling my twice-exceptional learner. At the time I am writing this article, we are well into our fifth year as a homeschooling family.

Our homeschool student is academically gifted in the area of language arts yet also has diagnoses of Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia), Dysgraphia, and Sensory Integration Disorder (Sensory Processing Disorder).

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