An Open Letter to Parents – IOH’s First Blog Post

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Dear Parents,

Welcome to It’s Only Homeschooling! My name is Kimberly and I am a Licensed Professional Counselor turned parent advocate who also happens to be a homeschooling mama of one amazing little boy.

My cause? To foster Dyspraxia and Developmental Coordination Disorder Awareness.

Dyspraxia is a catch-all term that refers to persistent lifelong difficulty with movement, balance, and coordination. However, the formal diagnostic term per the DSM V (the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition) is Developmental Coordination Disorder (or DCD). While a widely recognized disorder in both the United Kingdom and Australia, DCD is a relatively unknown condition in the United States. Yet it impacts approximately 1 out of every 20 people (including 5-6% of children ages 5-11).

Very few teachers, parents, or even medical professionals are familiar with this neurological disorder. Regarding education, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, and Dyscalculia are all classified as Specific Learning Disabilities under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), affording children the opportunity to receive additional services and support to help them become successful students. However, Dyspraxia (a common interchangeable name for DCD), is not.

Our family has been fortunate. When insurance did not cover years of Occupational and Physical Therapy services, we paid out-of-pocket. For many families, this is not an option. When it came to education, we explored both public and private institutions and were presented with what at the time felt like two unfavorable choices. In public school, our son would not be protected under IDEA. Private schools were not required to follow IDEA. After much prayer, we felt led to homeschool. We are thankful to live in a state where we have not only the freedom of choice but also the ability to pursue it.

For our family, the above hurdles were a blessing in disguise. We LOVE being a homeschool family! However, for many families homeschooling is not an option. These children deserve access to services and proper care. #parentadvocate

Whatever your story may be, it led you here to our site. We invite you to walk with us on our journey and become a part of the wonderfully diverse and supportive community of homeschooling. We are glad you found us. We hope you will visit often to find uplifting blog posts, resources, curriculum and product reviews, advocacy updates, activities, tips for homeschooling a child with special needs, and words of encouragement wrapped in faith with a healthy dose of humor.

Take a deep breath and remember, you’ve got this! Relax, it’s only homeschooling.



Cup Runneth Over

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